Check if a date is a weekday
Check if a character is a digit
Check if a date is a weekend
Check if a date is between two dates
Check if a date is today
Check if a date occurs in the current year
Check if a flat array has duplicate values
Check if a number is in a given range
Check if a number is a power of 2
Check if a number is negative
Check if a number is even
Check if a number is odd
Check if a given integer is a prime number
Check if a number is positive
Check if a string contains only ASCII characters
Check if a string contains only digits
Check if a string contains lower case characters
Check if a string contains only letters
Check if a string contains only letters and numbers
Check if a string contains upper case characters
Check if a string contains whitespace
Check if a string is a hexadecimal color
Check if a string is a hexadecimal number
Check if a string is an octal number
Check if a string is a MongoDB ObjectId
Check if a string is upper case
Check if a string is lower case
Check if a value is a plain object
Check if a value is a number
Check if a value is a business identifier code
Check if a value is a string
Check if a value is a regular expression
Check if a value is an object
Check if a value is base32 encoded
Check if a value is base58 encoded
Check if a value is nil
Check if a value is base64 encoded
Check if a year is leap year
Check if all array elements are equal to a given value
Check if all items in an array are equal
Check if an array is not empty
Check if an array contains a value matching some criterias
Check if an array is subset of other array
Check if an object is an array
Check if an object is a Promise
Check if an object is empty
Validate a Gregorian date