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Reduce + Set

This is silly but I had some code that I was annoyed and wasn't able to get to work as I would have liked. I wanted to minimize the amount of lines in the code and this is what I came up with.

const edges = [
['w', 'x'],
['x', 'y'],
['z', 'y'],
['z', 'v'],
['w', 'v'],

const builder = (edges) => {
let graph = {}

for (let edge of edges) {
const [ a, b ] = edge

const newGraph = {
[a]: [ ...((!(a in graph)) ? new Set(b) : new Set([...graph[a], b]))],
[b]: [...((!(b in graph)) ? new Set(a) : new Set([...graph[b], a]))],

graph = newGraph

return graph

const graph = builder(edges)