Date Time
Date Time
Calculate the number of difference days between two dates
Add AM PM suffix to an hour
Calculate the number of months between two dates
Convert a date to YYYY-MM-DD format
Compare two dates
Determine one year from now
Extract year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond from a date
Format a date for the given locale
Convert seconds to hh:mm:ss format
Get the hours and minutes from the decimal time
Get the current quarter of a date
Get the first date in the month of a date
Get the current timestamp in seconds
Get the last date in the month of a date
Get the day of the year from a date
Get the month name of a date
Get the number of days in given month
Get the timezone string
Get the tomorrow date
Get the total number of days in a year
Get the weekday of a date
Get the yesterday date
Initialize the current date but set time to midnight
Sort an array of dates