Cast a value as an array
Check if an array is empty
Clone an array
Compare two arrays regardless of order
Compare two arrays
Convert an array of objects to a single object
Convert an array of strings to numbers
Count by the properties of an array of objects
Count the occurrences of a value in an array
Create an array of numbers in the given range
Create cartesian product
Create an array of cumulative sum
Count the occurrences of array elements
Empty an array
Find the index of the last matching item of an array
Find the closest number from an array
Find the index of the maximum item of an array
Find the length of the longest string in an array
Find the maximum item of an array by given key
Find the index of the minimum item of an array
Find the maximum item of an array
Find the minimum item of an array by given key
Find the minimum item of an array
Flatten an array
Generate an array of alphabet characters
Generate an array of arbitrary size
Get all arrays of consecutive elements
Get all n-th items of an array
Get all subsets of an array
Get indices of a value in an array
Get the average of an array
Get the intersection of arrays
Get the rank of an array of numbers
Get the unique values of an array
Get the sum of an array of numbers
Group an array of objects by a key
Get union of arrays
Intersperse element between elements
Merge two arrays
Remove duplicate values in an array
Remove falsy values from array
Repeat an array
Shuffle an array
Sort an array of items by given key
Split an array into chunks
Sort an array of numbers
Swap the rows and columns of a matrix
Unzip an array of arrays
Zip multiple arrays
Swap two array items
Partition an array based on a condition